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Old Soul - Quantum Healing

$111.00 $69.99 Sale
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Hello, dear Old Soul 💖

If you've arrived at this listing in my shop, you are undoubtedly an old soul, and I'm truly delighted to connect with you! 😊

Are you feeling trapped, as if you're in a constant loop of karmic patterns or battling toxic cycles that seem impossible to break? If so, there's a strong likelihood that you're carrying deep-seated karmic imprints or seed fears within you.

I highly recommend considering both of these healing offerings, in whichever order resonates with your soul's journey.

Karma and seed fears are often hidden in the depths of our subconscious, encoded in our very DNA. Releasing them requires specialized knowledge and experience, and I am one of the few healers who possess the expertise to remove these soul imprints.

If you've found your way here, I encourage you to reflect on what drew you, and what changes you seek in your life. I am here to be of service, guiding you on your path toward soul growth and transformation.

Please continue reading to explore the profound benefits of these healings in greater detail.

With love and light,

Ray xo



Benefits of Old Soul Healings:

🌟 Identify and Release Deep-Seated Fears: These healings help you uncover and release fears deeply rooted in past-life traumas from Lemuria or Atlantis.

🌟 Personal Growth and Transformation: As an old soul with ancient memories and experiences, you'll experience personal growth and transformation.

🌟 Understanding Your Soul's Purpose: Enhance your understanding of your soul's purpose and path as a Lemurian or Atlantean.

🌟 Healing Past Traumas: These healings encourage the healing of past traumas and experiences, potentially impacting your current life and causing fear-based reactions.

🌟 Reducing Anxiety and Stress: Say goodbye to anxiety, worry, and stress related to seed fears from past lives.

🌟 Alleviating Physical Symptoms: These healings may alleviate physical symptoms linked to energetic imbalances caused by past life traumas and fears.

🌟 Emotional and Mental Well-Being: Promote overall emotional and mental well-being as an old soul on a spiritual journey with ancient memories and experiences.

🌟 Holistic Healing: Provide a holistic approach to healing, addressing the root causes of physical and emotional imbalances.

🌟 Deep Connection: Develop a deeper connection with the natural world and higher realms, releasing fear-based beliefs and behaviors.



Explaining Instant Healings:

These Instant healings are exceptionally potent, and they happen to be my absolute favorite because they facilitate a more profound healing experience.

Once upon a time, I used to believe that group or instant healings weren't for me. I questioned, "How could MY personal intention be received?" It was a very human and 3D way of thinking. 😄

But the Divine knows who we are and what we need. We only need to ask.

When we ask collectively, the power of the healing intention intensifies. It's much like the difference between meditating alone at home and participating in a group meditation.

If you have more questions about these healings, please explore our FAQ guide at

Otherwise, place your trust in the magic of these special healings.



Adding Your Healing Intention:

For all group or instant healings, I always create a sacred space to allow your individual healing intentions to manifest.

✨ When you add this healing to your cart, you'll have the opportunity to set your healing intention in the form.

✨ Trust that when you set your intention, it's received. This is how I've designed the healing process to work.

✨ As for the "how," for now, have faith that the universe knows your intention and will take care of it in a divine way. 🌠



Booking Process: 

  1. Choose your journey: Want your item faster? You can purchase an Express Upgrade or Priority upgrade. 
  2. Personalize Your Experience: Complete your shop order form to tailor your session to your preferences.
  3. Learn More: Check out Ray's Guides Read FAQ's here, and Read Policies here.
  4. Get Ready for Your Session: Once booked, trust that your order is received by Ray and will be delivered to you in Divine timing.


Disclaimer: At no time should any of Find your Ray’s services be construed as medical, legal, or financial advice, nor should the service be construed as professional therapy. If at any time any customer/client needs medical, legal, financial, and/or psychological treatment, it is customer/client’s responsibility to seek it out. Thank you, Ray of Find your Ray. By making this purchase, you acknowledge that you've read and understood our complete FAQ Guide and Shop Policies.


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